2002, Rolling out the green carpet

Rolling out the green carpet

They say that the lawns and the sheds are in man’s domain. Be careful what you wish for guys…


Notice the liberal use of electric fencing. You may think it a little extreme unless you are familiar with the carnage that rabbits on mass can cause in the garden, over just one night.


The Herb Garden is a prime target for the little fluffy devils. Indeed it had been a home to so many of them not long before.


This was to become a new formal rose bed, consisting entirely of Old English varieties.





2002, Moving forward with the ‘Back Sheds’

Moving forward with the ‘Back Sheds’

Most of the timber, bricks and tiles were in good condition, enabling us to reuse them. However, this meant that there would be no excuses for taking short cuts. Every piece of this giant jigsaw puzzle had to be salvaged, cleaned and sorted first.




Another day on the tiles for John…


The boiler house floor was buried 4m below ground level under 3m of back fill. Several skips later we uncovered the entrance to the tunnels.